Sat.Jul 14, 2018 - Fri.Jul 20, 2018

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The 30-60-90 Day Plan: Your Guide for Mastering a New Role [Template + Example]

Hubspot Marketing

With all the joy and excitement of landing a new job, you can feel just as much fear and anxiety. Overcoming your new role’s learning curve and the desire to make a lasting impression on your employer can put a lot of pressure on you. What if you can’t adapt in time? Fortunately, there’s a way to organize and prioritize your time and tasks, helping you seamlessly adapt to your new environment.

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Who’s in Your Sphere of Influence and Why Does it Matter?

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

The fearless marketer is one that: Has a revenue attribution mindset. Has a digital sales motion skillset. Has a sales and marketing aligned toolkit. He has extended his hands to partner with sales leaders as a driving force for modern, digital selling. This marketer will C reate, O rganize, D istribute, and E valuate Engagement (C.O.D.E.) alongside their sales team.


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5 Research-Based Actions to Improve Your Content Marketing

Content Marketing Institute

Editor’s note: Because understanding what your fellow marketers are doing and what’s happening in successful content marketing programs is critical to success, Lisa Murton Beets has updated her 2017 article. A little over halfway through 2018, you may be looking for insights on how to maximize your content marketing efforts. Or, maybe you need some great stats to help you build your business case for content marketing.

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Ways To Fuse Social Media With Print Media

Marketing Insider Group

Creating a publicity campaign could never be easier now thanks to social media. Gone are the days of printing out thousands, if not millions, of flyers. No more buying up space in your local newspaper and plastering your logo on billboards. Digital marketing can spread your brand to users all over the globe. Or can […]. The post Ways To Fuse Social Media With Print Media appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 With that said, have you ever wondered how to write a compelling press release? Have you considered best practices when it comes to pitching your news to journalists to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each of each piece of news you pitch!

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Rational Decision Making: The 7-Step Process for Making Logical Decisions

Hubspot Marketing

Psychology tells us that emotions drive our behavior, while logic only justifies our actions after the fact. Marketing confirms this theory. Humans associate the same personality traits with brands as they do with people -- choosing your favorite brand is like choosing your best friend or significant other. We go with the option that makes us feel something.

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6 Ways to Include Customers in Your Content

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Customers are the heart of your businesses. After all, they provide the revenue to keep your establishment running strong—the fuel to your engine, the peanut butter to your jelly, the milk to your mustache—too much? Jokes aside, have you given much thought to how your customers can actually contribute to helping you grow your customer base? Peer-to-peer marketing is not only a viable channel you should be exploring, but it’s also one that has seen great success in both B2B and B2C marketing.

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5 Keys to Successful Email Marketing

Marketing Insider Group

Successful email marketing is a critical, and often overlooked, element of digital marketing. According to an article on Inc: But after a couple decades of Nigerian prince schemes, Spanish lotto scams, and mountains of unsolicited spam (which is never a good marketing tactic), how do people feel about email now? Is it still a worthwhile […]. The post 5 Keys to Successful Email Marketing appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Luxury Influenced 1/2: How Influencer Marketing Transforms the Luxury Industry | Traackr


Anthony Rochand and Jérôme Monange decipher the specificities of influencer marketing in the luxury sector, from its transformative role to its challenges.

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Brand Archetypes: The Science Of Strategic Brand Personality

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

You may have heard of brand archetypes before, but have you ever really stopped to consider how they apply to your brand? Or how they might influence your positioning strategy and communication? From my research on the topic, I get a sense that archetypes are still widely undiscovered and those who have briefly encountered the subject are somewhat dismissive of them as a strategic tool.

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6 Tactics Your Small Biz Should Employ for Better Exposure


Does the best business proposition make an impact if there’s no one to hear it? Of course not. Therefore, even if you have a completely new angle to offer to your industry, you need to work out a way to maximize your exposure.

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Cracking the Code: Turning Intent Data into Go-to-Market Success

Speaker: Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo & Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2

Join Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo, and Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2 in this webinar where you're guaranteed to walk away with a fresh understanding of and a new perspective on intent data! Turn your go-to-market motions around with intent data! Instead of searching for ways to showcase your products, reach out to the customers that are searching for your solutions — then build your messaging around their needs to set you apart from the competition. 🚀 With

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Weekend Favs July 14

Duct Tape Marketing

Weekend Favs July 14 written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week. I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an online source or one that I took out there on the road.

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The Streamlining Strategy for Eye-Opening Productivity

Marketing Insider Group

It seems that as time passes, costs increase and profits decrease. Content marketing is no exception, with costs for services increasing and subsequent profits being affected. Granted, even if that were not the case, I’m not sure how many of us would say “No” to some method of increasing time or money in our personal […]. The post The Streamlining Strategy for Eye-Opening Productivity appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Which Advertiser Won World Cup 2018?


World Cup Russia 2018 was arguably one of the most exciting and captivating in recent history. Even though neither the US nor Canadian teams qualified for the global sporting tournament, related World Cup digital video advertisements still managed to garner 790 million views to date and we believe this number will be much higher as we see views continue to accumulate in the coming weeks.

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Staying Top-of-Mind Within the Modern Digital Landscape

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Of late, I’ve had a personal breakthrough in the way that I look at delivering personalized experiences to customers within our ever-expanding digital world. Sometimes it can appear to be such a distant vision or complex idea to capture audience interests and then extend ongoing messaging through preferred channels of communication for each individual.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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Small Business Guide to the Google Universe

Duct Tape Marketing

Small Business Guide to the Google Universe written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. The video above is a replay of a recent live webinar I conducted. Combined with the text below you should have a pretty good feel for how to use Google for small businesses. While Google has a lot of different products and services, to me, the following are what truly make up Google’s Small Business Universe for marketers and small business owners: Google My Business.

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How to Activate Your Employees For Growth

Marketing Insider Group

Looking for a way to bring your brand authority to the next level? Consumers don’t just have higher expectations today, gravitating towards quality content, better experiences, and meaningful brands. It’s also harder to gain their trust. Over 40 percent of American consumers trust brands less than they did 20 years ago. And, nearly half want to see a […].

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Should You Worry About Your SEO and Google’s Mobile-First Index?

Content Marketing Institute

Given your vigilance with the all-powerful search engine rankings, it is reasonable to be concerned about Google mobile-first or at least more curious than usual. Google recently weighed in, knowing its plan led to confusion. In a series of tweets , Google touched on everything from a problem showing cached pages with mobile-first results to clarifying that “hamburger” menus are fine to use.

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Our Fearless 50 on Being Fearless

Adobe Experience Cloud Blog

Just last week, we had the pleasure of announcing the entirety of the inaugural class of the Fearless 50. We are excited to share their stories in their own words—what drives them to be fearless, including key takeaways that you can learn from as well. Kimi Corrigan, Director of Marketing Operations at Duo Security, Emily Poulton, Marketing Manager at the Adecco Group, and Satu Ståhlstedt, Marketing Automation and Digital Marketing Specialist at Fujitsu , sent us their advice to marketers lookin

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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How to Feel Less Busy and Get More Done

Duct Tape Marketing

How to Feel Less Busy and Get More Done written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Marketing Podcast with Laura Vanderkam. Podcast Transcript. My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Laura Vanderkam. She is the author of several time-management and productivity books, including the one we discuss in this interview, Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done.

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Weekend Reading: “Friend of a Friend” by David Burkus

Marketing Insider Group

For the 184th episode of The Marketing Book Podcast, I interviewed David Burkus, author of Friend of a Friend.: Understanding the Hidden Networks That Can Transform Your Life and Your Career. What if the best way to grow your network isn’t by introducing yourself to strangers at cocktail parties, handing out business cards, […]. The post Weekend Reading: “Friend of a Friend” by David Burkus appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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Your Editorial Calendar is Not Your Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Institute

Editor’s note: You may have missed this article when CMI published it last year. We’re sharing it now because the misperceptions about editorial calendars and content marketing strategies are still common. Marketers often talk about how they have a strategy … then proceed to say they are set because they have an editorial calendar. At the risk of sounding ranty, I’d love to yell from the rooftops: An editorial calendar is not a content marketing strategy !

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Transcript of How to Feel Less Busy and Get More Done

Duct Tape Marketing

Transcript of How to Feel Less Busy and Get More Done written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing. Back to Podcast. Transcript. John Jantsch: 168. Do you know what that number represents? It is the hours that each of us has in a week, that includes 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That’s 168. So how do you use those to feel less busy and get more done?

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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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How Tech Debt Is Bankrupting Content Marketing

Content Marketing Institute

The pizza was delicious. It was May 2014, and the content marketing team was celebrating the one-year anniversary of its digital magazine for one of the most prestigious financial services brands in the world. By all accounts, every goal had been met. It launched on time and only slightly over budget. The audience was growing steadily, and the sales group loved the insight and new opportunities that the magazine produced.

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How to Build a Killer Content Marketing Team

Marketing Insider Group

Those spellbinding content marketing strategies – the ones that have catapulted startups into industry dominance and made decades-old brands more relevant than ever – they are not the product of a single creative genius. Nope. It’s not a brilliant content creator or a flash of wisdom few of us can ever hope to attain. It’s […]. The post How to Build a Killer Content Marketing Team appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.

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How NASCAR Drives Better Storytelling With a Unified Team

Content Marketing Institute

Editor’s note: Evan Parker is a finalist for 2018 Content Marketer of the Year. We’ll share insight from all the finalists in this blog before the winner is announced in September at Content Marketing World. Enterprise content marketing is an exercise in collaboration. Planning, creating, distributing, and promoting content typically involves people on more than one team.